The Turbobob adventure

Introducing Turbobob : the ultimate source of joy for children for over 35 years!

This amazing product combines the excitement of racing cars with a sensational track to create unforgettable memories from generation to generation.

The Turbobob adventure began in 1985 with a simple goal: to make children happy by taking them on an exhilarating journey. How? By offering both young and old the chance to experience the thrill of speed and acceleration that we all crave, whether when racing down a sledge or ski slope, or even a water slide!

This fantastic product comes from Mayenne, where Marc had the brilliant idea of creating a small summer luge for his daughters. Starting on a mound at the bottom of his garage, he used his technical skills and weeks of brainstorming to develop a high-speed track and a bobsleigh-like kart.

The first trial was a huge success. The girls absolutely loved it and couldn't stop smiling. News about this incredible creation quickly spread throughout the neighbourhood, and children eagerly awaited their turn to experience the Turbobob in action. Soon, a queue formed outside the family home, and the Turbobob became an absolute sensation.

Marc decided to recreate this masterpiece for other child-friendly locations in France and overseas, using the same mechanism and tracks of varying lengths. The Turbobob quickly became a massive hit, delighting children wherever it went.


Gabin, 6 years old : « It’s my favourite activity because it moves, it goes fast, it’s high up, it goes around bends and everything. Sometimes it's scary, it’s great! »

Léa, 10 years old : « J’ai choisi le rouge qui avait le n°4, mon numéro porte-bonheur. J’étais la plus rapide c’est sûr ! »

Antonin, 8 years old: « It’s great fun and what’s more, when you hold the steering wheel you actually believe you’re in a real racing car »

aventure Turbobob

Time to make childhood memories

Racing cars mechanism

Rétro Turbobob

The Turbobob


Starting signal : At the top of the track, young drivers hop into the racing car, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

GO ! They speed down the track for a thrilling 30-second descent, with perfectly designed bends adding excitement along the way

  • A gentle finish :
    The luge automatically slows down at the end of the track, ensuring a gentle finish and leaving kids and parents with enthusiastic smiles.
  • No electrical system :
    A small rope is attached to the front of the luge so that it can be pulled back up to the top with a little effort. Then it’s time for another go!
icone piste

The track

The track forms a loop and can be adapted to all types of terrain.

The circuit is custom-made,ideally built into a mound to blend into the landscape, or it can be aerial and attached to galvanised steel posts.

Assembled piece by piece like a giant puzzle, the polyester circuit is designed to withstand time and harsh weather conditions.

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The Bob

A combination of a lightning-fast bobsleigh and the light and streamlined body of a summer luge.

With 4 wheels underneath for descending the track, and 4 wheels on the sides for navigating the turns, the Turbobob is designed for children. For safety reasons, this game is recommended for children from 2 years.

At the front of the luge, a steering wheel makes you feel as if you are really in a race, and there are handles on the sides to ensure a firm grip, ready for a thrilling ride down the track.

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Our support

Edsun, on the strength of 25 years of experience, forms the core of our team. Not only does it enjoy sharing laughter and smiles, it also excels in providing dedicated support for our customers' projects.

  • Our business managers are committed to supporting customers throughout the entire project, from its inception through to its installation.
  • Our in-house design department includes draughtsmen trained in the latest 3D software.
  • A skilled installation team is in charge of assembling the track.
  • Our coordination service plays a vital role in organising the manufacturing processes, monitoring the progress of assembly, and ensuring maintenance, all in accordance with predetermined deadlines.

Story maker

our projects

Turbobob has the power to bring joy to children and a smile to their parents' faces: time for some great childhood memories.

Once upon a time at the Procé Park in Nantes.

The track at the Procé Park has been entertaining children since 1988.
This incredibly popular attraction runs through a wooded landscape, with verdant hills and a selection of plants emblematic of the city of Nantes. Since 1988, children have come here to enjoy this unique adventure: a true local institution for 30 years, the track has welcomed generations to its track. In 2019, a temporary stoppage sparked concern among regulars after the park manager retired. Accounts by disappointed users, press articles, there was great fear that Turbobob would not reopen again.

A wonderful surprise

In mid-June, the park reopened, with Turbobob, to the great delight of the inhabitants of Nantes « People come and thank us for reopening the track. It shows how attached they are to it. It's a popular, simple, and inexpensive activity. That's why it’s such a hit. », explains Alexandre Muller, the Manoir de Procé’s new manager.

The Turbobob story continues from generation to generation.

Memories of generations

Extract from the article in 20minutes - Nantes :
The Procé mini luge, a much loved attraction with a rich history spanning 30 years

Published on 02/11/16 at 10.13 am

(...) It is not uncommon to see parents, who themselves experienced the joy of the mini luge in their youth, returning with their own little ones in tow. « The mere act of holding the steering wheel generates a sense of sheer delight.” Some even offer small gifts. “An osteopath gifted a session to me prompted by the profound impact of the Babibob on his own childhood. »

« I’ve spent many great moments here.” “It’s part of the charm of Procé, explains Camille. It’s a pleasure to see my son getting as much pleasure from it as I did.” “I’ve never seen a luge run like this anywhere else”, says Laurent. There’s no music, no lights, it looks out of fashion. Yet, you just have to look at the children, they love it. And it doesn’t cost parents a fortune. »

Read the article

Our smiles ambassador


Several parks throughout France have set up Turbobob courses.
We thank them for their confidence !


Any questions or looking for information? Do you too want to become a “smiles ambassador”? Be sure to contact our team !

icone adresse

Zone d’Activité du Puy Pelé,

85130 Tiffauges

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